P>From Jessica, around ninety-five percent of the whole project, graduates their work on a major government contract, having public choice finish in Ohio. We have students who have top-secret clearance and we have students literally trapped to keep weight every month. We're going to endeavor this. This is Brian Martin.
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Public trust background investigation time 2017-2025 Form: What You Should Know
Public Trust Background Investigations — Social Security Administration A background investigation into whether an applicant is fit to hold a security clearance may be performed by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA is an independent agency and does have specific legal authority in the field of national security. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is responsible for ensuring that applicants are properly identified, verified and approved for a security clearance. In addition, when a security clearance needs to be reviewed, the SSA may request additional information from the applicant. The most common areas of investigation that are used after an application is received are: To verify information received from current financial sources and a list of any debts that the applicant or the applicant's spouse has, and whether the applicant is subject to federal taxes or has outstanding delinquent debts that are in dispute and in which the applicant or the applicant's spouse has a lien against the property of a third- party such as a bank or savings and loan holding company. To examine information submitted to prove foreign citizenship To verify information related to criminal activity The primary focus of the SSA background investigation is on determining whether an applicant is fit to hold a security clearance. A comprehensive background investigation may be conducted if the applicant has information that is relevant to the national security or criminal investigation, and if the applicant demonstrates that he or she is not likely to become a threat. The background investigation includes information that the applicant had, or could produce, regarding any disqualifying or disqualifying criminal or domestic criminal history, as well as any foreign country information that shows the applicant, or person in whose name the security clearance is sought, could not support his or her claims. The investigator may also determine whether the applicant has any outstanding debts and debts in a manner that could pose a risk to the national security or U.S. government.  The investigator will determine whether a clearance is necessary in light of the potential risk and establish whether the applicant poses an unacceptable risk. If an issue is determined to be a security concern, the decision may require the applicant to go through a security clearance investigation for additional information or to correct non-information previously submitted. If there are a significant number of disqualifying records, the applicant will be informed what to exclude before a clearance is issued. As part of the clearance investigation, the SSA may ask for a variety of noncriminal personal information, as well as past criminal charges.
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