Hello, I want to welcome our viewers from across the United States and around the globe. You're in the national security clearance Situation Room of the Edmonds Law Firm. I am attorney Allen Edmonds, the owner of the firm, and my firm has offices across the United States for your convenience. In the previous videos that I have done, I have tried to introduce you to the dangers and risks that confront you when you receive a statement of reasons. I have even discussed specific guidelines in the directive which I am holding: 52 20.6 and 704. These directives list concerns the federal government raises regarding your behavior and why the government thinks you are a risk to national security. Of course, the directives also contain mitigating factors, and my law firm prepares trial notebooks. We vigorously oppose government actions to revoke and deny security clearances. I can't stress enough how important it is for you to come into court with an experienced expert to fight for your family, paycheck, and career. You only have one chance, and if you leave the courtroom unprepared, you may realize too late how serious the government's attack can be. You may find yourself ill-equipped to answer questions or not realizing the level of preparation necessary. Losing your job may become inevitable, and finding a job that doesn't require clearance will be necessary since reinstatement could take years. Today, I want to talk about a specific guideline that is becoming very popular with the federal government in revoking people's clearances. That guideline is G: alcohol consumption. The concern is that individuals have demonstrated excessive alcohol consumption, either currently or in the past. This can include DUI convictions, public intoxication, or reports and complaints from co-workers, spouses, or third-party individuals who file a complaint or report to your...
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Public trust clearance drug test Form: What You Should Know
And here she comes! The original post from her Reddit account is no longer accessible, but this version is. The second version of her post is no longer accessible, but another copy is. “She does have a blog where she says she started using heroin on January 1st, 2013. That is 2 months after getting her clearance. Not only did she get her clearance in February 2013, but she got a loan for a year to be able to afford some heroin. She also says she was on methadone for quite some time. Methadone is a long period of time that you take the medication while on it and for her to do that for a bit of heroin would have been an amazing bonus for her. My guess is she just needed the money to pay for the heroin. It does show a complete lack of judgment for her to do that. I hope she does get caught in a way that costs her a lot of money.” She also gets a pat on the butt for starting an online store selling heroin. This is just a sample, but as you can see it is just a small sample of what she has done.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Public trust clearance drug test