Hey everybody, it's Annie. With this week's tips to working life. Today, we're going to talk about introducing yourself. This one goes out to all those people on my test or working life subscription list and my YouTube subscribers who have bombarded me with emails and comments, asking me to shoot this video. Well, this one's for you. We're going to have some fun with this. Today, I've got three great techniques you can choose from. You can pick whichever one suits you best. But before we get into those techniques, I want to talk a little bit about this question. Why is it so awful? And give you some context around it so that you can prepare your responses. Now, this question is terrible for a couple of reasons. The first one is related to the employer. First off, it's lazy, ineffective, and doesn't show that they care. It doesn't guarantee the employer that they'll actually get the information they need to make a good determination about whether or not you're a good fit for the company. Great interviewers design well-thought-out questions that elicit specific information, allowing them to make those determinations. But the second thing, the second terrible thing about this is even worse for you. It puts you in jeopardy of stumbling over one of the greatest tripwires in a job interview. The number one reason why you do not get hired. In fact, I've shot a video on the number one reason why you do not get hired. I'm not going to keep you in suspense, but that reason is your inability to align your qualifications, skills, and value to what the employer needs at the moment. Think about what's happening when you're in a job interview. You know you're fabulous, I know you're fabulous, and...
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Additional questions for moderate risk positions - branching Form: What You Should Know
Federal Employees, currently used in BIB automated systems. All information will be used in conducting background investigations and reinvestigations of persons under the following categories: Branching. The purpose of this question is the determination of whether you have information that would have a bearing on your ability to serve as an employee of the department the position falls within. This question can also be answered with a response of “A.” Note: If you are a civilian employee, or in the Senior Executive Service and you do not fall within the categories listed above you are also exempt from the branching tests. Filing and Processing Information for this Form. Filling out this form is very easy! Simply go to the Questionnaire For Federal Employees, and click on the link for Branching. In that screen, you will see that your information (date of birth, SSN/Social Security number/Military ID Number etc.) and the name of the agency you are applying for will be stored and are not available online for public inspection. Your name and other details will be used to verify your identity in the following process. Step 1 — Fill out Question 9 with your name, current employer, and your Social Security number. Question 9 (1) I will work with my immediate supervisor for all work-related communications. A. Yes B. Yes C. No Question 9 (2) I will answer all of my supervisor's questions to the best of my ability. A. Yes B. Yes C. Yes (1) I will ensure that my superior is aware of all communication to be sent. A. Yes B. Yes Question 9 (3) To the best of my ability, I will communicate all work results. A. I will try to provide information during work. B. I will try to provide information during duty C. I will use a common understanding for communication Question 9 (4) I will prepare all of my correspondence. A. Furthermore, I will prepare copies of correspondence, if possible B. I will use a system of folders and envelopes to avoid a direct copy C. I will keep track of all important documents I send. Example- I keep a folder for every email I send to my boss. I also keep a folder for everything I receive.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Additional questions for moderate risk positions - branching