Meadows chairman De Santis, ranking members Connelly and Lynch, and members of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to testify before you today on the use of social media in the federal background investigation process. OPM plays an important role in conducting background investigations for the vast majority of the federal government. Currently, OPM's federal investigative services (Fizz) annually conducts approximately 1 million investigations for over 100 federal agencies, representing approximately 95% of the total background investigations government-wide. These background investigations include more than 600,000 national security investigations and 400,000 investigations related to suitability, fitness, or credentialing each year. As we discussed in February, we are in the process of transitioning to the new national background investigations Bureau (NBIB), which will absorb Fizz and its mission to become the government-wide service provider for background investigations. The Department of Defense, with its unique national security perspective, will design, build, secure, and operate the NBIB's investigative IT systems in coordination with the NBIB. To provide some context for our discussion today, I would like to take a few minutes to review how the current security clearance process operates. In most cases, first, an executive branch agency will make a requirements determination as to the sensitivity and risk level of the position. If an agency determines that a position requires a clearance, the employee completes an SF 86 and submits fingerprints, both of which are sent to OPM along with an investigation request. OPM, through Fizz now and NBIB in the future, conducts the investigation by ing all of the checks required by the federal investigative standards. The results of the investigation are then sent to the requesting agency for adjudication. The clearance decision is made based on the information in the investigative report, following the adjudicative guidelines of the Office of the Director of...
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Sf85p interview Form: What You Should Know
On Page 12, identify the position with which you are applying 3. On Page 13, write your name, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses, date of birth, and place of work if you have been working outside your home area in the last 10 years or are employed outside the United States. If you are under age 18, write your date of birth. 4. Include a statement of employment of at least 10 years' duration, and a statement whether the position is covered by any laws requiring you to carry or show a valid, unexpired, and effective passport or other foreign travel papers. 5. When completing this Form 86, you will be asked to enter on Line 4, “Occupation or Trade Code.” Select “Employer.” If an employee has been employed in the United States for more than 2 years, provide your employer's contact information. 6. When completing this form, you will be asked to enter on Line 10, “Reason for being outside the United States.” Standard Form 87 You will be required to complete the Standard Form 87, Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions, if you wish to be further investigated for this position. Note that a Public Trust investigation is conducted only for persons employed by the U.S. Government; others under federal criminal investigations may not be subject to an investigation. This question is being updated. Please provide your current employment date here.
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