What are the top reasons for applicants being denied a security clearance? Hold tight and I'll tell you in a moment. - I'm Todd Record and this is Clearance Jobs TV. - Hopefully, you've never received one of these - a Statement of Reasons (SOR) from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals. - If you did, then you were initially denied a security clearance on suitability or security issues. - Out of approximately 1300 security clearance cases decided on by DOHA during 2008, financial considerations were by far the most prevalent issue. - It appeared in over fifty percent of the cases. - The second most prevalent issue was personal conduct, which appeared in 38 percent of the cases. - This was mostly cited for the falsification of information. - Foreign preference was the third most cited issue, appearing in 21 percent of the cases. - The majority of these cases were based on the possession of a foreign passport and dual citizenship. - Criminal conduct ranked fourth, but was slightly inflated by the subjective use of this issue to cover criminal aspects such as falsification, illegal drug use, and alcohol-related arrests. - Foreign influence, at 12 percent, was the fifth most frequently cited security issue. - Usually, it was because of close relationships with people living in high-risk countries. - Rounding out the top reasons for applicants being denied a security clearance, drug involvement and alcohol consumption came in at number six and seven. - After a DOHA hearing was conducted, about 63 percent of these cases resulted in clearance denial or revocation. - In the past 10 years, the number of clearance investigations processed at the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office has increased by about 50 percent. - However, the number of cases with significant derogatory information...
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Sf85 vs Sf85p Form: What You Should Know
Trust positions or positions in which a clear waiver is necessary due to a lack of other relevant information. An applicant for a Trust position must attach the SF-85P to the application. This is the only acceptable form to use if an applicant does not have a Federal security background investigation (SF-85P), or is not under a Federal clearances process. This questionnaire is required to be completed at the time an SF85P or SF-86 is requested. Applicants who are seeking an SF-86 may be asked to furnish more information about themselves if necessary. Information to be included in the questionnaire is set forth below in the instructions. You may use the SF-85P as a summary or background report at a time as part of the SF-86 or as an appendix when an SF86 is not applicable. In general the SF-85P will be used to obtain a basic factual basis for the selection of the position and for making any other determinations concerning employee eligibility. Please note that the SF-86, while provided for reference only, must be completed in accordance with the instructions and is a legally binding document under section 9 of the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 (FLORA). When you fill out the SF-85P or SF-86, you are not required to answer any questions that the interviewer asks you. You may, however, give additional information regarding your past employment and any additional details that you choose to include. Questions can be answered as a whole or in parts. Please be consistent and answer them all. If the following is known, you will need to supply a general reason for the position where you apply; whether prior experience is an advantage. Areas of previous employment: This includes any prior employment in a sensitive position and details if available on any prior employment. When you indicate that you have not had security clearance work prior to the present, and you are asked to explain the reason for that, you should include details of the situation. You should explain that your previous clearance status was to be used in conjunction with, not as a substitute for, the specific clearance you are seeking. You represent that you and the position you are applying for will not be adversely affected by any pending action that you do or do not take. In addition, provide details of any potential security concerns that you may experience in relation to the position or position in which you are applying. When you do not answer a question, complete it under “Filed as Miscellaneous Information.
Online solutions help you to manage your record administration along with raise the efficiency of the workflows. Stick to the fast guide to do OPM Sf 85p, steer clear of blunders along with furnish it in a timely manner:
How to complete any OPM Sf 85p online: - On the site with all the document, click on Begin immediately along with complete for the editor.
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PDF editor permits you to help make changes to your OPM Sf 85p from the internet connected gadget, personalize it based on your requirements, indicator this in electronic format and also disperse differently.
Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Sf85 vs Sf85p