Top reasons for clearance denial in 2017: The Department of Defense has released its top reasons for security clearance denial for the more than 2,000 cases it heard through November 2017. Financial reasons continue to far outpace other issues. Here's a rundown of all the criteria resulting in clearance denial in 2017, in order of the number of denials caused: financial considerations, personal conduct, foreign influence, drug involvement, criminal conduct, alcohol consumption, foreign preference, handling protected information, sexual behavior, misuse of IT systems, music outside activities, psychological conditions. Financial considerations resulted in 1,497 security clearance denials, which is more than triple the amount of denials for any other single issue. The bottom half of all issues resulted in just a few hundred security clearance denials combined. Allegiance to the United States wasn't a consideration in any security clearance denial. For many of these cases, multiple issues were involved, including foreign preference and financial considerations or sexual behavior and criminal conduct. The moral of the story is that not every issue can be mitigated in security clearance. Holders need to be aware that their behavior will be scrutinized in the security clearance process, from finances to drug use.
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Sf85p clearance process Form: What You Should Know
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 731 and 732 Note: The form contains questions on the following subjects: • What is your past and current government employment? · Was your post-employment employment with the U.S. Government within the 5-year (or longer) period of time specified in the question? · How many years have you been employed by the U.S. Government? · In addition, please indicate whether you have been on a temporary layaway of any kind, whether you have had periodic layaway contracts (e.g. 2 or more years) and whether you have had any layoffs, transfers, bonuses, bonuses for overtime, incentive, severance, pay-off, or bonuses based on length of service, or other compensation. Please indicate the types of compensation you have earned and/or received. Please state whether this included an itemized statement of compensation from GSA. ​ • For each public trust position that you are applying for, please provide the following information: · Your full legal name, Social Security number (SSN), date of birth, physical description with at least two (2) of the following: a) A birthdate, b) a sex determination (male/female), and c) a height determination (height between 6'0'' and 6'4''.) You can use either the name, or Social Security number and the name of a relative or friend that you have provided. · Please indicate whether you are a U.S. citizen and whether you were born in the United States. This is an optional question. · Please provide information from your previous employer regarding your duties, responsibilities, and/or the type or extent of work you did. For example, for a contract employee, you should also be able to give us your duties as defined by the employer, and your work week. · Please answer all the following inquiries as completely and accurately as possible: (A) Do you have any experience working with children or vulnerable populations? (B) If so, please provide specific examples of the most common duties, responsibilities, and/or the type of work that you performed; • Are you a veteran of the U.S. Military and, if so, describe the years you served and any service-connected conditions you experienced. It is highly desirable that you provide evidence of your military service.
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