CORE JAVA Syllabus:1. Core Java Programming Introduction of Java Introduction to Java, features of Java Comparison with C and C++Download and install JDK/JRE (Environment variables set up)The JDK Directory StructureFirst Java Program through command promptFirst Java Program through Eclipse2. Data types and OperatorsPrimitive Datatypes, Declarations, Ranges Variable Names ConventionsNumeric Literals, Character LiteralsString LiteralsArrays(One dimensional, two- dimensional)Array of Object ReferencesAccessing arrays, manipulating arraysEnumerated Data TypesNon-Primitive DatatypesDefining a class, variable and method in JavaMethod Signature, method callsExpressions in Java, introduction to various operatorsAssignment OperatorArithmetic OperatorsRelational OperatorsLogical OperatorsConditional OperatorsOperator PrecedenceImplicit Type ConversionsUpcasting and downcastingStrict typingType conversion3. Control Flow statementsStatements and it's various categories in Javaif, if-else, if-else-if switch casefor statement (both flavours traditional and enhanced for)while and do-while loopsThe continue Statement, labelled continue statementThe break Statement, labelled break statementreturn statement4. OOPS and its application in JavaClasses and ObjectsDefining a class,Defining instance variables and methodsCreating objects out of a classMethod calls via object referencesAbstractionInterfaces and Abstract classes Abstract and non-abstract methodsInheritance extends and implements keywords in JavaSuper class and Sub classthis keyword, super keyword in Java for inheritanceConcrete classes in JavaPolymorphismCompile time polymorphism -- Overloading of methodsRun time polymorphism -- Overriding of methodsMethodu00a0 Overriding rules and method overloading rulesIntroduction to Object class and it's methodsEncapsulationProtection of dataJava Bean, POJOGetters/SettersMemory management in JavaHeapStack5. PackagesNeed for packagesWhat are packages, package declaration in JavaImport statement in JavaHow do packages resolve name clashes?6. MiscellaneousVar-ArgsReference variables, local variables, instance variablesMemory allocations to variablesDouble equals operator(==) operator for primitives and objectstoString method on an object7. StaticsStatic variables and methodsStatic importsStatic initialization blocks, instance intialization blocksStatic concept in inheritance8. ConstructorsWhat are Constructors?Properties of ConstructorsDefault and Parameterized ConstructorsRules for constructor implementationConstructor Chainingthis call, super call for constructorsConstructors for Enumerated Data TypesConstructors concept for Abstract classes and interfaces9. Exceptions in JavaWhat are Exceptions?Need for exceptionsHow can Exceptions be coded in Java?API heirarchy for ExceptionsTypes of ExceptionsKeywords in Exception API: try, catch, finally, throw, throwsRules for coding ExceptionsDeclaring Exceptions Defining and Throwing ExceptionsErrors and Runtime ExceptionsCustom ExceptionAssertionsWhat are Assertions?Enabling and disabling assertions in development environment10. Strings in JavaWhat are Strings? String heap memory and Constant Pool memoryImmutability in StringsString creation on heap and constant poolMethod APIs on String, operations on StringsMutability of String Objects - StringBuilder and StringBufferSplitting of Strings and StringTokenizer class11. Collection Framework in JavaThe Collections Framework The Set InterfaceSet Implementation ClassesThe List InterfaceList Implementation ClassesThe Map InterfaceMap Implementation ClassesQueue InterfaceQueue Implmentation classesUtility classesSorting collections using utility methodsequals and hashCode contract in Java collectionsoverriding equals and hashCode methods in JavaNew Collections added in Java 1.6Primitive wrapper classes and all its method APIs 12. GenericsGenerics for CollectionsGenerics for classGenerics for methods13. Input-Output in JavaWhat is a stream?Overview of StreamsBytes vs. CharactersOverview of the entire Java IO APIReading a file, writing to a file usinf various APIsReading User input from consolePrintWriter Class14. SerializationObject SerializationSerializable InterfaceSerialization APIObjectInputStream and ObjectOutput Transient Fields readObject and writeObject15. Inner ClassesInner ClassesMember ClassesLocal Classes Anonymous Classes Static Nested Classes16. Threads in JavaNon-Threaded ApplicationsThreaded ApplicationsProcess based multitasking Vs Thread based multitasking Thread API in JavaCreating Threads States of a Thread Sychronization for threads, static and non-static synchronized methods, blocks, concept of object and class locks Coordination between threads - wait, notify and notifyAll methods for inter-thread communication17. AppletsWhat are applets?Need for Applets Different ways of running an applet program Applet API heirarchy Life Cycle of an applet Even Handlers for applets, mouse events, click events18. Swing GUIIntroduction to AWT Introduction to Swing GUI Advantages of Swing over AWT Swing API Swing GUI ComponentsEvent Handlers for SwingSample Calculator application using Swing GUI and Swing Event handling19. JDBCWhat is JDBC, introduction JDBC features JDBC Drivers Setting up a database annd cretaing a schema Writing JDBC code to connect to DB CRUD Operations with JDBC Statement types in JDBC Types of Rowset, ResultSet in JDBC20. Access Modifers in JavaWhat are access modifiers?DefaultProtectedPrivatePublic21. Debugging of Java Programs in Eclipse.ADVANCED JAVA Syllabus:u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0 Servlets and JSPs1. Basics of a Web applicationWhat is a web application? What is a web client and web server? How do client and server communicate? HTTP protocol basics HTML language basics What is a TCP/IP port, URL? Need for a Web Container2. Web Contaner and Web Application Project Set upTo set up Tomcat Container on a machine To set up a Servlets JSP project in Eclipse To configure dependency of Servlet JSP APIs Web application project struture3. ServletsWhat are Servlets?What can they do? Why are they needed?How do Servlets look in code?HTTP Methods, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, OPTIONSGET/POST request, differences between the two Servlet Lifecycle Servlet Context and Servlet ConfigForwarding and Redirection of requests4. Session ManagementWhat is a session?Why is it required?How to get a session?Session information passing between client and serverSesssion information passing mechanisms - Cookies, RewritingHow to destroy a session5. JSPsIntroduction to JSP an dneed for JSPsBasic HTML tagsJSP Lifecycle6. JSP ElementsScriptlets ExpressionsDeclarationsSignificance of above elements and fitment into the JSP LifecycleWhat are Directives in JSP?Page DirectiveInclude Driective Taglib Directive7. JSP Tag libraryJSP Standard Actions Expression LanguageJSTL basics and it's usageNeed for Custom Tag LibraryCustom Tag Library implementationu00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0 Struts Framework (version 2.x)1. Basics of MVCWhat is MVC?MVC Type1 and Type2 architectureWhy Struts framework? Struts 1 overviewStruts 1 and Struts 2 comparison2. Struts 2 ArchitectutreArchitecture Diagram explanation of following components: Components of Model, Views and Controller in Struts Framework Interceptors Model/Action classes Value Stack OGNL Introduction to configurations, framework and application architectureDeclarative and Annotations configuration approaches3. Struts 2 set up and first Action classDownload JAR files Struts 2 project build up and Configuration filesTo build Action class To intercept an HTTP request via Struts2 framework using Action class Defining data and business logic in Action classPreparing and Forwarding control to Views4. Struts 2 InterceptorsWhat are Interceptors Responsibilities of an Interceptor Mechanism of Interceptor calling in Struts 2Defining Interceptors Defining Interceptor stacks Defining Custom Interceptors5. Struts 2 Tag LibraryIntroduction to tag library of Struts 2 and it's usage6. Struts 2 ValidationsValidations using Validateable interface Workflow interceptor mechanism for validations Validations using Validateable interface Validation Framework introduction and architecture Validating user input with above two mechanisms7. Struts 2 Tiles FrameworksIntroduction to Tiles in a page Struts2 Tiles framework introduction Defining tiles.xml file Configuring pages for tiles A complete Tiles example with Struts2u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0 Hibernate Framework (version 3.x)1. IntroductionWhat is ORM principle? Why ORM? ORM implementations2. Hibernate ArchitectureIntroduction to Hibernate Hibernate ArchitectureWhat are Peristent classes?3. Hibernate CRUDSetting up Hibernate projectConfiguring all JARs and XML filesSetting up connection to DB using HibernatePerforming basic CRUD operations using Hibernate API Object Identity, Generator type classesUsing SQL with HibernateUsing HQL Using Criteria queries4. Mapping Collections and AssociationsTo define sets, mas, lists in HibernateAssociation Mappings: 1. One to one2 One to many 3 Many to one 4 Many to many5. Hibernate CachingWhat is caching? What are the types of caching in Hibernate? Explanation of various caching mechanisms in Hibernate6. Using Hibernate Annotations (if time permits)Sample example of using Hibernate Annotationsu00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0 Spring Framework (version 3.x)1. Introduction to springWhat is Spring?Spring Architecture explanation and all it's components2. Introduction to all modules of springSpring Bean Factory Spring Application Context Spring DI Spring AOP Spring Integration, Spring messaging, Spring JMS Spring MVC Spring DAO3. Setting up springSetting up of Spring framework Download JARs Configure XML files4. Dependency InjectionWhat is Dependency Injection?How is it implemented using Spring Framework? Bean Wiring mechanisms in Spring5. Spring AOPWhat is Spring AOP?Implementation of Spring AOP